[21] Blog Titles - 3 Tips

Blog titles are one of the most important aspects of a blog, but often times are not given the importance that they deserve. As a professional blogger, I always tell new bloggers not to underestimate the significance of blog titles. It is the first thing a reader sees when they visit your site and will many times will determine if they stay and keep reading or leave. I often relate it to a newspaper headline, if the headline captures you will buy the paper, if not you will keep walking. Here are three tips to help you crafty killer blogger titles that will prompt that visitor to keep reading.
Create a purpose driven title. The headline will tell the reader what is to come and why they should read. By crafting this up front it will also help keep you focused.
It is also important to be descriptive and clear. For example, if my headline reads, "How to promote your blog," you know exactly what that post will be about. This is a solid headline because it is very clear, and if your visitor is interested in that they will read through. However, if you combine this with my next tip, you will then have the perfect title.
You will want to make sure you let the reader know what is in it for them. You should convey the benefit of what your article will deliver them. For example, you can say, "Tips to promote your blog and make more money online." This is a much more compelling blog title.
There you have it, three easy tips that should help improve your blog.
For more tips on writing Blog Titles be sure to check out TycoonBlogger.com. You will also find great information on Promoting your Blog. This post was written by Dan Keller.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_Keller

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