[15] Blog Traffic - Increase Search Engine Rank Of Your Blog!

Starting blog: You can start a blog with your own domain installed http://Wordpress.org as blogging script at your own host. This is what savvy marketers do for their blogs. Other option includes starting blog with Google at http://Blogger.com both Wordpress and Blogger are free, easy to start with and both have comprehensive tutorials for beginners.Blog Design: Blog design means the Design, format and structure of your blog. What will be the colors in background, what will be the font color, and font face and how many columns the blog page will have, Will the sidebar at right side or at left side. Just jot down the things you want to have in your blog and choose most suitable Template for your blog. There are so many free templates available to choose from for both Blogger and Wordpress. Otherwise you can hire someone to design a template for you specifically according to your choice and needs.URL Structure: This should be user friendly as well as search engine friendly. To make any URL user friendly it should be something short and concise but make sense that what will be the page about having this URL. Like /blog-tips.html is best than /article23.php Having URL structure like /post-title.html instead of /post?123 makes search engines and users experience beneficial for them and for your blog.Blogging: Blogging is logging something everything related to the topic, daily, regularly. This is just as people in the past use to write their diary daily. So a great blog about Traffic Tips is that blog which is updated regularly. So if you want results from your blog. DO blogging i.e. posting very often at the specified topic of your blog.Categorizing: Categorizing your content increase the search engine ranking and user experience at your blog. So if my blog is about Traffic Tactics, you can have categories Free Traffic, Increase Traffic, Buy Traffic and Targeted Traffic. This help the blog rank high in related topics.Tagging: Tagging is hot topic now a days, if you want your content/post get great visibility and wide exposure, Tag your content. This can be done with pre-installed plug-in in your blogging script or manually adding for specific Tagging sites. Popular sites include technorati.com Del-icio-us and digg.comPinging: Whenever you post something new at your blog, pick a loud speaker and announce to the whole world that your blog has something new! To do this online Ping your blog with any pinging service site. So after you post something new go to http://pingomatic.com or http://pingoat.com and PING your blog. This is easy and take less time but big benefits.Linking: Link swapping or link exchanging is a right and legitimate way to increase your search engine ranking. You can ask related bloggers manually for link exchange or you can use specific services to help you find link swapping partners. Two famous sites specially for bloggers are www.link2blogs.com and www.bloglinker.com . To get maximum benefit from link swapping, only exchange links with related bloggers and do not link to the sites or blogs which are using Blackhat SEO tricks.Directories: Submit your blog to blog directories and niche directories. This will help your blog in two ways, firstly you will get direct traffic from there, and secondly your blog will have one another permanent link there. Which will boost your search engine ranking and you can expect more free traffic from search engines.Search Engines: In the above lines I have discussed many tips to boost your search engine ranking. But what if your blog is new and have not yet spidered or indexed by any big search engine like msn yahoo or google. So you want to add your website in Google’s database fast? Here is a million dollar tip but free for you, to get indexed new blog in Google within a day or two. To do this, go to www.craigslist.com and post a free ad with the link of your blog. This site is PR8 and your will get indexed ASAP. But use the site legitimately and with good faith according to their rules. Do not abuse or spam this site otherwise you will be wasting your time with no success.Now your site is in Search engines databases, now it’s your duty to do blogging regularly, posting new content, tagging, pinging, and sticking to the main topic. If you keep doing this, you will be getting your blog organically growing and getting traffic in truckloads, happy blogging and happy free traffic!Published At: Isnare Free Articles Directory http://www.isnare.comPermanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=125287&ca=Marketing

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